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“Where the olive tree stops, the Mediterranean ends”

-George Duhamel.-

Olive Oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, aroma, Vitamins and properties of the olive fruit.

The olive tree is said to set the geographic boundaries of the Mediterranean while its oil has been a source of life and the main ingredient for the typical Mediterranean diet for thousands of years. The world over Mediterranean countries and specifically Cypriots and Greek based their diet on olive products for thousands of years. They literally survived, as a common proverb claims, on ‘bread and olives’. They used the  olive oil and olive tree leaves for medicinal and cosmetic purposes and the wood of the tree to make furniture not to mention its nutritional value.

Olive Oil and especially Extra Virgin Olive Oil  considered as possibly the healthiest oil in the world, scientific research has shown that the Cypriot, Greek and generally Mediterranean olive oil, which is cholesterol free, strengthens against cancer, cardio-vascular and other diseases, and it is generally healthier than butter or the other oils.

The beneficial health effects of Olive Oil are due to both its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of ant oxidative substances.

Olive Oil also contains the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. It can helps calcium absorption and thus act against osteoporosis.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil also is effective in reducing blood pressure, it may protect against Skin Cancer, Bowel Cancer and protects against Breast Cancer. A lot of times acts like a Painkiller, is used to soften earache as olive oil proves to be the best natural treatment for ear infections. It also helps to Blood Circulation.

A lot of cosmetics factories use extra virgin Olive Oil at their cosmetics as the Olive Oil can pass the wrinkles away, avoid stretch marks, and can improve the texture of dry, damaged hair with split ends, and is also good to fix frizzy or static hair.

Olive Oil has too many uses and special effects on human being for centuries, has no side effects either, thus making it an ideal choice for everybody.

 Olive Oil “the ‘liquid gold’” - Homer